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Writer's pictureAnti-Clockwise

Love is the science

My SNS was seen and I was told that she does not want to have a blind date with me.

I don’t need your comfort,,

it’s been such a long time I did go for a dating and I was so excited about the blind date that I forgot something very important.

Approximately 70% of people aggressively check out and surf through the SNS of someone they are going to have a blind date with.

Since I do not want you to experience this, I will let you know how to control your own SNS to look appealing to others for a date.

Dr. Jaynap Semal Silas of the Istanbul Coach University has conducted a study that about 300 participants were asked to randomly surf over the SNS of people not family with and asked to rate the attractiveness of the person.

The results was that the characteristics of people who were rated “good first impressions” was summarized in just one word.

It’s the ‘openness’.

It’s the ‘Openness to Experience’ to be specific.

Openness to Experience is something like this,

  • Interest towards the ‘new things’ and ‘things that have not been done before’

  • A curious attitude to acquire difficult knowledge

  • Not conservative, not narrow-minded.

Regardless of gender, when someone has this ‘Openness to experience’ attributes on the SNS, people tend to consider them as an attractive or interesting individual and as someone who they want to get to know with.


People want to try and experience things that they have not or never done before through having a relationship/dating with someone who has that experience.

People are attracted to a ‘friendly guide’ that will give them an experience they’ve never had before.

The psychology of checking partner’s SNS before the blind date is a desire to know and check in advance through SNS what a new world will be like when I get into the relationship with the partner.

Once again, it’s important for you to have some contents on your SNS that inspire your potential partner and that tell your potential partner ‘when you date me, you can have this experience’.

“I’m this kind of person!”

How to appeal your exclusive openness to experience with SNS?

I will let you guys know the three special tips.

  • Try something or Challenge yourself and boost your accomplishment on your SNS

If you’re not really a lazy person, at least you do a little challenge in your daily life.

You learn something new or even go to the new restaurants to try out food you have never tired before.

But then, you would take a picture and feel proud of it. Do not think that ‘this is not a big deal’ though. Put it aggressively on your SNS revealing your simple but happy feelings. Let others capture it!!

The important thing is not to show how open you actually are,'but to show ‘how much you enjoy a new experience’.

Your potential partner would get an expectation that you will even take the normal dates with her/him as something special.

  • Reveal your interests on your SNS!

Posting your expertise of the knowledge in the field of your interest or even criticism of your thoughts towards a specific issue will make you appealing to some extent.

It’s also helpful for you to share related articles or news of your interest on your SNS.

It does not matter if your interest is not the area that your partner might like. Capturing the curiosity and the enjoyment of sub-cultures that you possess will make your potential partner start dreaming about a non-boring romance with you.

Your potential partner might even think that you are a kind of person that will enjoy the interest of her/his own together as well.

  • Do not have too much of posts of criticism on your SNS.

As mentioned above, openness of an individual also refers to that is not too conservative or narrow-minded.

It’s good to be honest on SNS, but too much posting of criticism towards certain issues does not seem very attractive.

But when you actually talk to someone like that in person, you could feel like the person has charisma and has a strong self-opinion.

When you actually talk face to face with a person like that, a confident expression, gestures, and speech might alter your impression towards the person.

But there is no such thing on SNS. Only the text you wrote is visible. Your potential partner or other people might easily get the misunderstandings by the articles or post of criticism you posted on SNS that you are super stubborn and intolerant which is totally not appealing.

A cold criticism or sharp analysis of yours is absolutely nice to see though if you get a date, get rid of those posts from your SNS.

Love is not even more difficult than studying science or math. Knowing the formula of emotions is nearly impossible. But at least, you can try the tips I’ve suggested today. You understand the value of money is more than that of the science and math. For your love, cheers!

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